nts on notes Vary greatly from teacher to teache r.РBased 0n the aboVe f.ndings,I put f6rward the fo¨0wing suggestions to senior high schOoI mathematjcs teachers so as t0 jmprove the e仟iciencV in note.takin窟and bring the strategy into fulI pIay in the Iearning process.(1)In the initiaI Iearning process,students’ attention shouId be drawn t0 the prehension Of wh at is newIV taught and avoid crammlng up.In the phase 0f revision,emphasis shouId be Iaid on the cIassificatiOn of and the refIection mon mistakes.(2)Tbachers are supposed to have di仟erentРrequirements on nOtes for top students,aVerage students and underachievers respectiveIy.РIn particuIa r,teachers’priority is t0 gjVe gIrI underachIeVers instructions On nOte—taking.РKEY WORD: note-taking in cIass,mathematjcs Iearnjng,note.revision