
unit4Don’t eat in class第一课时教学设计

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.Р РLead Ss to check the answers.РT has Ss listen and imitate . РSs look at the picture and predict that.РSs review the listening skills.РListen and check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about in 2a.РListen again and find out if Alan and Cindy can do these activities and circle “can” or “can’t” above.РSs Check the answers.РSs listen and imitateР听音获取有关学校规则的信息。进一步了解学生对本单元有关校规祈使句的掌握。Р学生在听力过程中练习听力巩固听力技巧,提高对can,can’t don’t句型的敏感度Р模仿正音РIV.Task 3 Talk about the rules in different places.РT shows some places and has Ss talk about the rules.РSum up and assign homework.РSs works in groupsРSum up and get to know homework.Р总结本课所学,布置与本节课紧密相关的作业。Р板书设计Р Unit 4. Don’t eat in class. (Section A 1a-2c)РCan we …?РNo, we can’t..We can’t….,but we can…РDon’t ….Р作业设计РWrite down position about your school rules.


