林巧稚医生,并谈谈你的感受。Р学生习作:Lin Qiaozhi is a specialist in women’s illnesses. Having no family of her own, she devoted all her life heart and soul to medical work for Chinese women and children. It was her kindness as well as her devotion to work that won her reputation. Her work encouraged many other women to e doctors.РI am really grateful to Doc Lin, because she changes my attitudes towards study as well as life. She deserves respect and admiration for her devotion to medical career. I’m greatly inspired to study harder and e a doctor in the future.Р三、反思Р1.有思维导图的英语文本阅读课堂条理清晰、形式新颖,所有活动都围绕图展开,具有向心力。这极大地调动了学生的积极性和参与度,使学生专注度高、思维活跃、乐于表达。Р2.利用思维导图组织信息有助于培养学生搜集信息和处理信息的能力,有助于学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。Р3.思维导图帮助学生领悟阅读的思路和方法,使学生逐渐掌握自主学习的方法和使用相应的学习策略。Р4.思维导图的形式多样,该采用何种形式进行教学取决于教学内容。在教学中不能拘泥于形式,也不能为了要使用思维导图而牵强使用。Р ..