sm Translation is a translation of practice for tourism activities ,and is a cross- language and cross-society , a cross-time and cross-space , a cross-cultural , a cross- munication activity .? 旅游翻译是为旅游活动、旅游专业和行业所进行的翻译实践,是一种跨语言、跨社会、跨时空、跨文化、跨心理的交际活动。РThe concept of tourism translationР旅游翻译的分类Р翻译手段—导译、口译(包括视译、交传和同传)、笔译和机器翻译。Р翻译题材Р涉及语言Р语内翻译(intra-lingual )?语际翻译(inter-lingual )?符际翻译(inter-semiotic )Р专业性翻译(如同科技翻译、法律翻译等)?一般性翻译(如应用文、社交、日常生活等的翻译)?文学翻译(如诗词、楹联、散文等的翻译)РTourism English introductionРTranslation themes :? Professional translation ? ( such as technical translation, legal translation, etc. )? General translation ? (such as practical , social, and daily life , etc.)? Literary Translation ? ( such as poems, couplets , prose ,etc.)РThe classification of tourism translation