had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January.?他5岁生了一场病,变成了聋子。?He became a deaf after an attack of illness at 5.Р4.直率与含蓄Р英语表态在前,叙事在后;观点在前,事实在后。汉语正好相反。?收到你们的消息,我很愉快。?I am very happy to receive your message.Р6.逻辑与领悟Р英语注重逻辑性,强调主谓配套,时态呼应,成分定位,有形连接。汉语不太注重逻辑,成流水状。?谁都知道,西北地区是艰苦些。?Everyone knows life in the north-west of china is harder.Р注意事项Р英语信息重点在前,汉语信息重点在后。?You will lose your chance if you don’t take action right now. ?如果不马上采取行动,你就会坐失良机。?英语多用复合长句。,汉语多用简单短句。?Chilly gusts with a taste of rain in them had almost dispeopled the streets. ?阵阵寒风,带着雨意,街上冷冷清清,几乎没有什么行人了Р英语多被动,汉语多主动?He was asked by the local government to set up an injuries center at the hospital. ?当地政府要求他在医院创建一个创伤医疗中心。?英语属静态语言,汉语属动态语言?That would be the confirmation that it was in general use. ?这证明它的使用是十分普遍的。