onРPEM, a macronutrient deficiency, not a ? micronutrient deficiency РMainly occur in the children ≦3 years oldРClassificationРMarasmus? Severe inadequacy of ?energy and nutrients,?characterized by severe ?wastingРClassificationРMarasmus-edema?Intermediate formsРEtiologyРPrimary: Long-term inadequate food intakeР1.Insufficient food supply :poverty-stricken? 2.Improper feeding ? inappropriate weaning practices? staple diets that are often of low energy density? insufficient artificial feeding ? 3. social and behavioral factors? monophagia? Picky Eating? Anorexia NervosaРEtiologyРSecondary:Disease factorРInadequate digestion & absorption of food? Abnormality of alimentary canal? Malabsorption syndrome ?Infection ? Tuberculosis? Parasitosis ?Chronic wasting disease? Diabetes ? Hyperthyroidism