rosthetic Heart ValveРpositive blood culture in hospitalized patients with underlying prosthetic valves can be a harbinger of endocarditis ?43% patients with ial bacteremia or fungemia had prosthetic valve infection?a plicationР7/98Р7РРIV Drug UseРRecurrent?Polymicrobial?Staph aureus accounts for the majority of cases of endocarditis?tricuspid valve, either alone or bination, us most often infectedР7/98Р8РРPredisposing Factors Polymicrobial Infective EndocarditisР7/98Р9РРPolymicrobial Infective Endocarditis?clinical featuresРIV drug use is the predominant risk factor?younger age (mean 36.5 years)?2/3 were male?right-sided cardiac involvement in > 60%?i more frequent than S. aureus?1/3 of patients died ?mortality rate is 4x higher for pure left-sides vs pure right-sided endocarditisР7/98Р10