
工商管理毕业论文 ERNI(恩尼)连接器中国市场营销策略研究.pdf

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tegy that ERNI China should take. ERNI should make improvement on product and brand strategy, price strategy, channel strategy and sales promotion strategy. ERNI’s product development capability is very strong, but new product development type is less, this cannot meet Chinamarket’s increasing requirement. ERNI has to strengthen on more new product type development, increasing market supplement. ERNI has built high quality brand through past decades good connector’s promotion. ERNI has won many top list on quality, but never top first on shipment service. ERNI should strengthen customer service, improve shipment term, to continue promoting ERNI brand.All the time, ERNI is trying to promote high quality connectors for pursuing high profit. But the petitors started to decrease their


