lasses with Posts,Certi6cates and Contests for Accounting Major in Higher Vocational SchoolsРYU MeiР(肌^o凡g死0c^e珊cD如ge,De九。昭l,“nn帆6784DD,吼in。)РAbstract: At present, the higher voeational edueation in China pays more and more atkntion to the construction of practical teaching system,so how to realize instructional demands and objectives in education activities is the emphasis and dif王iculty of the current refonn in teaching and education.The accounting major has consmlcted the pmctical teaching bining classes with posts,cen饿eates and eontests,whieh plays an impoItant role prehensively improving出e operation quality of aceounting major in higher—voca“on 1evel.РKey words:higher vocational c011eges;accounting major;bination of classes,posts,certincates and contests;practical teachingРsVstemР万方数据