st half century, using chemical fertilizers has e mon in farming .РThey demage the land by killing the helpful bacteria and pests as well as the harmful onesРOrganic farmers ,therefore, often prefer using nature waste from animals as fertilizer.Р3. new words:entertain e direct slid whisper reactРphrase:up to now badly off pick out star in Рpick off cut up cut down cut offРstructures: the structures to express one’s emotions, such asРHow wonderful!РIt surprises me that….РI couldn’t laughing when…РI don’t think that’t funny at all.РGrammar: the –ing form as the predicative, attribute ,attribute and plement .we can find some sentences in this passage,Рfor exanple:Р1.作表语as the predicativeРThe acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted!