
Module8 unit1 I was two 说课设计——获奖说课稿

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interests in learning English. Through the photos show, Ss will love and cherish the new life more.Р Step 5 SummaryР Ask Ss themselves to summarize what they have learnt today.Р Step 6 AssignmentР 1.Listen and repeat the text.Р 2.Describe Ss’ own photos with the sentence patterns in groups and prepare to show in next class.Р [Design intent] Making lots of listening and speaking exercise is able to train Ss’ comprehensive language abilities and strengthen their confidence. In addition, extending the knowledge in class to the real life effectively can finally achieve the purpose munication using language.Р Design of blackboard writingР Moduel 8 ChangesР Unit 1 I was two.Р (then) (now)Р I was two, then. Now I am 30.Р They were young, then. Now they are old.Р She/He was…, then. Now she/he is….


