РBefore you enter our factory, some PPE are essential for your safety, includes:?Hard hat 安全帽?Safety glasses 安全眼镜?Hi-vi jacket 反光背心?Enclosed shoes 包脚鞋子(不允许穿拖鞋和露脚趾的凉鞋)Р4РDressing Code 着装要求РTies must be tied in or take off,?领带必须塞到衣服里面,避免卷进运转设备,?scarf must be take off or tied into your clothes,?围巾头巾等宽松物品整理好?and long hair must be tied in your hard hat or clothing?长发须卷到安全帽里?Shorts, slippers, open-toe shoes are not allowed,?禁止短裤、拖鞋、露脚趾鞋等不文雅不安全装束Р5РGeneral guidance 通则Рsmoking is not allowed onsite?全厂禁烟РBe aware of moving vehicles, keep distance of them,?当心移动车辆,保持安全距离РVehicle safety 行人&车辆安全РVehicle safety 行人&车辆安全РUse the handrail?上下楼梯使用扶手РInjury 伤害РIn case of any injury, please contact our onsite first area aider?遇到任何伤害等事故,请和我公司联络人联系,我公司有现场急救人员Р消防安全 Fire SafetyР请确保你熟悉以下信息:?报警电话119?着火点?逃生路径?最近紧急集合点