,要马虎他也只能让孩子去马虎了。РThe country had grown rich, merce was large, and wealth did its natural work in making life softer and more worldly, commerce in deprovincializing the minds of those engaged in it.? 那时候国家富足,商业发达;财富充盈的结果,是生活日趋柔糜,思想日趋世俗,而商业发达之后,经商的人眼界日益开展,不再像当年那样的固步自封。(夏济安译)Р二十岁的时候,和某个人晚上一起去看了场电影,不经意中拉了一次手,结果幸福了整整一个夏天。三十岁之后,坐在香格里拉酒店的旋转餐厅陪客户吃自助餐,在缓缓的转动之中,莫名其妙地一阵空虚,突然间对一切感到索然无味……(《一个女人是这样衰老的》)? At the age of twenty, I went to see a film on a night with someone who casually took my hand in his palm, and this sweet happiness lingered for the whole summer. After I have turned thirty, I feel an aching void in the slow movement of the rotating restaurant, where I dine with my clients upon a buffet meat, in Shangri-La Hotel and all of a sudden I lost interest in everyting. ( The way a woman withers)