
从英译汉的实例分析看英汉思维方式差异,英语翻译学论文 1250

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thinking pattern ---- Entirety РThe Chinese people are concerned more with their own bodies in expressing emotions, so intuition thinking is the main feature of their mode of thought, for which people study objects as a whole and emphasize entirety.   Chinese philosophy is systematical naturalism. [22]p420Р4.3.2 English thinking pattern ----IndividualismРThe English people link their own emotion to ary influence and the natural elements, so they prefer analytical logic thinking.  Target objects are subordinated into small parts in order to be scrutinized, which, of course, may lead them to place ponents before the whole when they try to know something. [23]p420Р4.4 Using the theory to analyze the English-Chinese translationРIn the English original the ponents are as the followings:РSubject


