前病情估计分级 7 ASA 手术病人病情分级 ASA Class Conditions Examples Ⅰ Normal Healthy Patient No Underlying Disease Elective Surgery; OVH, Castration, Declaw. Ⅱ Mild to Moderate Systemic Disturbance. Able pensate. Neonatal and Geriatric Animals. Controlled Diabetes, Simple Fracture, Obesity. Ⅲ Moderate to Severe Systemic Disturbance due to a Surgical or Medical Disease. Moderate Anemia, Cachexia, Fever, Renal Disease, Cardiac Disease. Ⅳ Severe Systemic Disturbance. Shock, Uremia, Toxemia, Gastric Torsion, Colic, Hemorrhage. Animal not expected to live 24 hours without surgery. Ⅴ Moribund atose Patients. Advanced Disease. Solitary or multisystem organ failure. Animals with little chance of survival. 8手术病人全身情况分级 9麻醉前一般准备?对Ⅰ类病人,应调整和维护全身情况及重要器官功能,最大程度增强病人对麻醉的耐受力?对Ⅱ类病人,除需做好一般性准备外,还必须根据各别情况做好特殊准备 10