质病变; 4. The social function is normal on the whole 社会功能相对完好; 5. The neurotic patients do not lose insight 自知力充分. The Classification of Neuroses 分类 Phobia 恐惧症 Anxiety disorder 焦虑症 pulsive disorder 强迫症 Hypochondriasis 疑病症 Neurasthenia 神经衰弱 Hysteria 癔症 Other 其他 The epidemiology 患病率 22.21% 0 Etiology?/ Theories! 相关学说 Psychoanalytic theories 精神分析学说? unconsciousness 潜意识 dream wrong neurotic symptoms 梦错误神经症症状? personality structure 人格构成 id ego superego 原我自我超我 Etiology?/ Theories! 相关学说 Behavior theories 行为科学理论 stress-response 刺激-反应认知学说 SR C 认知 Cognitive theories Phobia 恐惧症 Clinical picture 临床表现 1. agoraphobia 广场恐惧 2. simple phobia 单一恐惧 3. social phobia 社交恐惧 Treatment 治疗 1. behavior therapy 行为疗法 2. drugs 药物