Prospects.Р联络潜在客户? Contact Prospects.?〉电话Phone.? 〉拜访Visit.Р筛选并筛选客户信息? Qualify Addresses.? 输入RDA系统? RDA Input.Р跟进? Follow up.?-合同? Contract.РР分析AnalyzingРР联络ContactingРРР完善/筛选QualifyingРРР跟进?Follow up!РРР如何寻找潜在客户 (分析)?How can you find prospects? (Analyzing) ?举例?Examples:Р公司或社团名录(公司、建筑师或律师等的注册信息) ? Indexes of companies or societies (register of companies, architects, ? solicitors etc.)?? 电话黄页 ? Yellow Pages ?? 所有体育或社交俱乐部(高尔夫、网球等等 )? Sport and social clubs of all kinds (golf, tennis, rotary clubs etc.) ?? 朋友推荐? Friends’ Referral? - 请求比较满意的客户推荐他们的亲友(“您的哪位朋友和熟人可能对拥有一辆 ? BMW或MINI感兴趣?”) ? ? By requesting recommendation of satisfied customers? ("Which of your friends and acquaintances might possibly be interested ? in owning a BMW or MINI?")