
积极心理学理念下的小学音乐课堂教学研究---优秀毕业论文 参考文献 可复制黏贴

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esults showed that the Рperspective of positive psychology on primary school music teaching is to helpful to Рstudents’ learning interest, to stimulate the learning potential, to improve their own Рlearning ability. So the primary school music teaching should fully integrate the Рconcept of positive psychology into primary school music teaching, and make Рteaching the music no longer a single, rigid process, but a lively and full of vigor and Рvitality process. It should make the music class a paradise of enjoy learning Рknowledge, which will truly make student feel, experience and create beauty. РР Keywords: positive psychology, emotional experience, aesthetic ability, social РРinteractions, creativity РР Category Number: G633.951 РР РРРIV


