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rs ity of Ade la ide , Dr Samuel was re sponsibleРfor advanc ing the disc ip line of bus iness and marke t-Рing through the authorship of se veral internationa lРpublica tions a s well as throug h the e stablishme nt a ndРmanageme nt of a le ading indus try journal The Aus-Рtra las ian Ag ribusines s Review, of which he wa s Ma -Рna ging Ed itor. kР Dr Sa muel is the re cipie nt of interna tiona l a ward sРfor his res earch in the UK a nd China. In 1994, Dr Sa - rРmue l wa s give n expert status by the Chines e govern-Рment anis ing a nd mana ging the larges teve rРmarke t s urvey in China , which included inte rvie wsРwith 5, 800 s hopp ers from Urumqi to Sha ngha i. In kР1998, the Literati Club in the UK awa rd ed Dr S amue lРan award for excellence for publishing the outs tandingР · 8 ·


