
Unit 1 Are you feeling bored- 教学设计1

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gling is feeling angry.Р (T) 3、Lingling doesn’t miss China.Р(F) 4、Lingling called dad yesterday.Р (T) 5、Lingling is happy now.Р听力活动3 listen and read.Р(三)、PracticeР1. 猜表情(叫一个同学带上面具做一个表情并保持住。其他的同学用Are you feeling…?进行猜测,戴面具的同学根据实际情况回答:Yes./ No.РS1: Are you feeling…?РB: No.РS2: Are you feeling…?Р2、听狼来了的故事,并用“happy, bored, sad, angry”填空。Р(六)、板书设计РModule 9  FeelingsРhappyР sadРAre you feeling happy bored  ?        Р angryР  Yes/NoРT: Boys and girls, today I'm feeling very happy. Because my son is reading a graduate student in Shenzhen. Yesterday he called me. He told me that he won the second scholarship. He also told me that he missed us and his friends very much. So I’m feeling very happy.Р顺便板书教学单词call过 called,miss过 missed,tell过told, happyРAre you feeling happy? Really? Sing a song to show me!


