

上传者:幸福人生 |  格式:doc  |  页数:26 |  大小:64KB

ounger?Р Ss: The little monkey is younger.Р 课件再次出示那只小猴子:РT: Look, the little monkey is shorter ,stronger and younger than the yellow one. The yellow one is taller. But look at this boy. His name is Ben.Р 课件出示一个男孩:(158cm, making faces)Р T: Can you guess: How tall is the boy?Р Ss: It’s about….Р 出示:158cmР The boy is taller. The monkey is shorter The monkeys are funny. Look at the boy. He is making facesSo the boy is funnier.Р Write on Bb: The boy is funnier.Р 让学生巩固:happy, heavy等。Р2.播放阅读材料的录音,课件出示判断题,读一遍这六个判断题,边听边思考,然后讨论回答:Р1.Ben likes the yellow monkey.Р2. The brown monkey is taller than the yellow one.Р3. The little monkey is the brown one.Р4. The brown monkey is younger and shorter than the yellow one.Р5. The yellow monkey is stronger than the brown one.Р6. The monkeys are funnier than Ben.


