

上传者:苏堤漫步 |  格式:doc  |  页数:11 |  大小:116KB

咚”的声音。)When I say “ eat ”, you should do like this( 学生则做吃的动作并说“ Yummy !”) 反之,则教师做动作, 学生说出相应单词。 practise under T’s instruction. T wo or three groups of students are showed to other students. Play the game under T’s instruction. Do and say. To enhance the learning of the whole conversation. To present new phrases in another vivid form to attract children ’s attention, and meanwhile make T and Ss more close. To help Ss review the conversation. Production 1. Introduce the Task. 1)I nvite a student to make a new dialogue with T (as a model). 2) students work in groups and present 完成后进行小组集体展示。T walks around to provide any help Ss need. Listen carefully and ask questions if they have any. T alk in pairs or groups T wo or three groups To provide contexts for Ss to create their own new conversation


