, China) Р Abstract: Education at the kindergarten stage is the best period for cultivating children to inherit the excellent traditional culture of our country. The kindergarten drama education activities have the characteristics of artistry, fun, comprehensiveness, etc., which are very consistent with children's personality characteristics and learning conditions. Teachers can rely on different forms to carry out drama education activities, so that children can understand and absorb the connotation of excellent traditional culture in activities, thereby promoting children's all-round development. РР Key words: traditional culture; kindergarten; drama education activities; meaning РР 该论文来源于网络,本站转载的论文均是优质论文,供学习和研究使用,文中立场与本网站无关,版权和著作权归原作者所有,如有不愿意被转载的情况,请通知我们删除已转载的信息,如果需要分享,请保留本段说明。