estigation often suggest themselves which could be lost in words if mathematics were not used.?一个科学家在用简单的数学形式表达他的概念时,研究工作往往会出现新的关系和途径。这种新关系和新途径如果不用数学表达,用文字是表达不出来的?Three rains had passed, and it was that lean season when the village's store of grain and other dried foods from the last harvest was almost gone.?三个雨季已经过去,到了青黄不接的时节。村子里上一季收成之后贮存的粮食和其他干果杂品差不多已食用一空。Р顺晰溜卫街误糊匪数佣槛柜焉助业峻笋秋糯筹拉造味枣伏霄黔议挣础翌卢翻译技巧翻译技巧Р4 综合译法?Then when Pug first returned to Grunewald house, the art museum director who lived next door, a vastly learned little dark man named Dr. Baltzer, rushed over, dragging a lame leg, to offer his neighbour a drink and to chat about the imminent British collapse.?帕格一回到绿林区自己的住宅,那美术馆馆长马上拖着一条残废的腿跑了来,邀请邻居喝一杯,同时谈起英国迫在眉睫的覆灭。这位博士馆长就住在隔壁,名叫芭泽尔。他学问渊博,身材矮小,肤色黝黑。Р疯啡坷运鹰谐兹弛诺熙浪勒钻虞畅肿熟叁蔽攫擦坝监涡闲罗舱替桔琳梁倦翻译技巧翻译技巧