234-236.Р[4] 潘旭华,尉斌,张波. 电子商务专业创新型应用人才培养模式研究[j]. 计算机教育,2009(15):16-19.Рresearch on puter curriculum of the merce majorРzhang bo, pan xuhuaР(college of information engineering, tianjin university merce, tianjin 300134, china)Рabstract: starting form the basic business processes in merce, this paper analyses detailedly the puter ability demanded by the merce and establishes plete ability and knowledge structure puter. targeted on the talents in merce, this paper, on the base of the analysis of the ability demand, redesigns puter curriculum of the merce major, refines and optimizes its course arrangement and teaching content. now through the initiative teaching practice this curriculum has achieved good results.Рkey words: merce; computer curriculum; computer education; ability demandР(编辑:彭远红)