f reference?我不清楚的事,我会亲自找出答案,并给予客人回复?If I don’t know, I will check the answer personally and reply the guest.?对由专门业务部门处理的事务,我会亲自协助客人联系到有关负责人,并跟进此事的进展、结果及客人的满意度?If the guest’s request is related to a specific department. I will personally assist the guest to contact the person in charge and follow up about the process, result and the customer satisfactionР5Р一起来讨论一下这些案例吧!?What’s you opinion about these casesР以下案例,你觉得我们的员工处理得如何,如果可以有让客人更满意的办法,你会怎么做?РHow do you think the associates handle those issues? How will you do to make our customer more satisfied.Р6Р案例一 Case IР你好,我房间需要加多一支牙刷Р请稍等,我帮你转客房服务中心Р7Р案例二 Case IIР请问洗手间在哪?Р请你顺着左边的墙一直朝前走,在中餐厅的门口右转,再直走,上两级台阶后左转就到了。Р8Р案例三 Case IIIР今早有雾,请问你知不知道武黄高速路是否正常通车?Р哎呀,先生,真是不好意思,这个我们确实不太清楚。Р9Р案例四 Case IVР对不起,我是客房部的,订餐不归我们管,请您到三楼与餐饮部联系Р小姐,你中午可以帮我在你们酒店订一个包房用餐吗?Р10