lencing?miRNA and other ncRNAРReference:?Genes IX (Benjamin Lewin)? 现代分子生物学(朱玉贤)РTranscriptional Regulation of Eukaryotic Genes (真核基因的转录调控)?Transcriptional initiation?Histone modification?DNA methylationРRegulation of Gene ExpressionРChromatinРic ?controlРRNA silencingРProtein?degradationР一般而言的基因表达调控范畴РNucleosome (核小体) 是染色质的基本结构?单位,由~200 bp DNA和组蛋白八聚体组成РIf nucleosomes form at a promoter, transcription?factors (and RNA polymerase) cannot bind. If transcription factors (and RNA polymerase) bind to the promoter to establish?a plex for initiation, histones are excluded.РNucleosomes are hard to get accessРThe dynamic model for transcription of chromatin relies upon factors that can use energy provided by hydrolysis of ATP to displace nucleosomes from specific DNA sequences.РChromatin remodeling