tory of shock1, mental tension, irritability.2, pale, cold clammy skin.3, thready and rapid pulse, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure rise high, pulse pressure smaller.4, normal or decreased urine volume Inhibitory stage of shock(休克抑制期) 1, indifferent mind, unresponsive, or unconsciousness, coma.2, systemic skin mucous membrane cyanosis, cold limbs, cold sweat3, thready and rapid pulse or stroke is not clear, blood pressure decreased (BP < 90mmHg) or undetectable, pulse pressure smaller.4, decreased urine output or urine (per 25ml). 5, metabolic acidosis.6, bleeding tendency often hint has occurred: DIC7, respiratory distress syndrome: (1) dyspnea were. (2) although to a large number of oxygen does not improve The symptoms and improve the oxygen partial pressure