NKS IN YOUR E-MAILРРРР电子邮件中的最薄弱环节Р3 Let‘s get more active 要多用主动语态。РР不要说: 要说РArrangements have been made for a repeat order to be de-spatched to you immediately.??The seminar will be conducted by Adrian.??The cause of your complaint has been investigated.РI have arranged for a repeat order to be sent to you today.??Adrian will conduct the seminar.??I have looked into this matter.Р2021/3/11Р8РРРTHE WEAKEST LINKS IN YOUR E-MAILРРРР电子邮件中的最薄弱环节Р4 Colons Colons Colons 冒号 冒号 冒号。РРDate : 12 January ?Time : 9:00?Venue: Sheraton Towers hotel?????Date 12 January ?Time 9:00?Venue Sheraton Towers hotelР2021/3/11Р9РРРTHE WEAKEST LINKS IN YOUR E-MAILРРРР商务写作中的最薄弱环节Р5 Thank you! 谢谢你!РР使用自然文体,就仿佛在交谈,而不要使用那些已经存在论数十年的枯燥的套话。Р2021/3/11Р10