
特警战术技巧手册 2

上传者:随心@流浪 |  格式:pdf  |  页数:74 |  大小:0KB

orders.Р Whereas some personality disorders are diagnosed rather early in Р treatment, a clinician may not be aware initially of the characterologi-Р cal nature, chronicity, and severity of the patient’s personality problems. Р Early diagnosis is essential to appropriate triage and treatment. Following Р the assessment, the therapist must make sure that there is socialization or Р education of the patient to the treatment model. The ideas of what therapy Р involves, the goals and plans of the therapy, and the importance of thera-Р peutic collaboration must be stressed. The initial therapeutic focus may Р be on relieving the presenting symptoms, that is, anxiety or depression. Р In helping the patient to deal with his or her anxiety or depression, the РRT759X_C000.indd 14 7/26/06 3:46:33 PM


