t王lemanagement ofpublic crisis, which mal(es aJl important and effectiVe role incar巧ing fonVard the scientific infomlation disclosure,solVing and dealing wim rapidly and ef诧ctiVely public crisis.AstIlegoVemment atallleVelsenhance management awareness,especially spread and applyinf.0彻ation technology,so we made some pro伊ess ininf.0rmationdisclosure,panicularly forprocess ofpublic crisismanagement.But objectiVely speaking,this still exiStsome problems. Because ofme occllrrence ofthepublic crisisin thelastfew years.This articlepoints outtlleproblem existing thegoVemment infomation disclosure inme current pm)1ic crisismanagement,analyzing盘.0m the legalsystem, existing resources and creatiVeways,and therelationShip between the govemment andⅡlemedia’sri曲t consciousness,etc.and putsforw莉some 万方数据