
新苏教版译林英语小学五年级上册教案 全册

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’ house. What’s in the house? Can you draw something in her house? Maybe you can draw some food on the table, or some toys for the baby bear. Please draw and talk about it. 指导学生完成书上第10页内容。Р(2) T: Who e here to show your picture to us, and talk about it? 请学生上台介绍图画内容。(教师及时反馈)Р2.Make a short play and act it outР(1)T: Oh, I like your pictures, and I know all of your houses are ready for the bears. It’s time for visiting. The bears are at Goldilocks’ home now. What will happen? Will they be happy? I think we can figure out a new story. I can make an example. I am Goldilocks. I need three bears. Who’d like to try?Р邀请三名学生上台扮演bears,示范表演对话。Р(2)T: Now you can practice in four. Р(3)Ss act in groups.РStep6.HomeworkРT: Today, you’ve done a very good job! I like your story so much. Here’s your homework.


