version and English version. If the English version of this contract is in contradiction with the Chinese version of the contract, Chinese version will be adhered to.Р12.4 本合同一经签订,双方应严格遵守,不得擅自修改合同内容。如有未尽事宜需变更本合同的,应经双方协商同意后办理合同变更手续。Р Both parties shall abide the signed contract and have no right to amend it. If there is any other things need to be amended, both parties should negotiate the content.Р12.5 本合同条款如与中国法律、法规和政策相悖时,以中国法律、法规和政策为准。Р In any instances that a section of this contract is in contradiction with the laws, regulations or policy of government, the later will be adhered to.Р12.6 本合同标准文本送甲方所在地人民政府劳动局鉴证。Р This contract shall be checked and ratified by local government labor bureau.Р甲方: 维蒙特工业(广东)有限公司乙方:РParty A: Party B:Р甲方代表(签字): 乙方(签字):РSignature: Signature:Р日期: 日期:РDate: Date: