

上传者:幸福人生 |  格式:doc  |  页数:64 |  大小:0KB

rope? 如果会就请该生在全班面前做出动作 step 3. learning( 学习新课) ? Look at the picture about the playground? T: What do you see in the playground? T: Where is…? T: What is… doing? T: What can you do? T: What can he / she do? S1: I see … S2: It’s next to the … He / She is on the … S3: He / She is… S4: I can … S5: He / She can …? Step 3 Do and say ? Look at the picture and talk about it.? Learn “ Where is Yaoyao? She ’s on the seesaw. ”“ It’s very hot today. Let ’s go swimming. ” Listen to the dialogues then teacher ask ‘ What do you hear? ’. Listen and imitate. 再听录音,让学生逐段模仿录音中的声音、语调和速度进行说话活动。 Pair work: 两人选一组对话进行练习。 Listen to the dialogue then teacher ask ‘ What do you hear? ’(能重复的可以重复英语, 老师给予鼓励。不能重复英语的,可以说自己听到句子的中文意思,旨在检查学生的听力和理解力。) Read ‘ May I join you? ’ after teacher. ( 重点强调 join 的发音) 教师创设相应的情景,让学生体会语句


