档分享Р1. selecting a benchmarking from other categories for the decision of brand positionР库文档分享РDeveloping new brand equity measure methods is a supplement to the traditional financial measure about brand asset , and provide proof to invest in brand buildingР库文档分享РThe “brand equity Ten”methodРThe book : <<managing brand equity>>?Refer to Рfour criteria of measure methods?two kinds of research to measure brand equity: quantitative-based survey, and case studiesР库文档分享РThe first four terms received from customers perceptions, but the last two terms received from market behavior informationР库文档分享Р1.Р The price premium is the best single measure of brand equity in most context.?1? who petitor?, petitor in different market, legal restrictions on price differenceР库文档分享Р2.Р库文档分享Р1Р2Р库文档分享Р2Р1Р库文档分享