
How to write a hook - Coach Katie:如何写一个挂钩-主教练凯蒂

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Dilemma (Problem) Begin with a dilemma . Deciding to attend Hampton Roads Academy, a private school, was one of my most difficult decisions. Scene Begin with a scene . The day of my birth began with Hurricane Charlie pounding at our door in Charleston, South Carolina. Advice Begin with the best advice you have ever received . “ Brandy, did you practice the piano? ” Since I was six years old, this has been a daily reminder from my dear mother. “ Be all you can be ” has been my inspiration from my grandfather who is a retired Marine Corps colonel and my mentor. Anecdote (Story) Begin with an anecdote (story). As my cousin and I pedaled our new bikes to the beach, 6 years old, suntanned and young, we met an old, shaggy-haired woman weaving unsteadily on a battered old bike.


