
甲状腺功能减退症 中西医治疗课件

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ous muscle and is the opposite of the lid retraction seen in thyrotoxicosis. The modest measurable exophthalmos seen in some patients with myxedema is presumably related to accumulation of the same mucous edema in the orbit as is seen elsewhere. It is not progressive and carries no threat to vision, as in the ophthalmopathy of Graves' disease. The tongue is usually large, occasionally to the point of clumsiness. Sometimes a patient plain of this problem. Sometimes it is smooth, as in pernicious anemia (of course, pernicious anemia may coexist). Patients do not plain of soreness of the tongue, as they may in pernicious anemia. When anemia is marked, the tongue may be pale, but more often it is red, in contrast to the pallid face.Р甲状腺功能检查Р1、TSH增高,FT4降低? 2、131I摄取率降低? 3、TPOAb、TgAb阳性? 4、TRH兴奋试验


