sРMultichannel shoppingРMultichannel shoppingРBut traditional retailers have introduced their customers to‘’ even more essfully …… Walmart, the world’s largest supermarket chain also cleverly mixes channels. (Para. 7)Рmultichannel shoppingРoffline and onlineРPrefix: Multi-? Meaning “having many”:РMultiРchannelР+РMultichannelРE.g. ?To work at several different tasks simultaneously.РMultitaskРMultilingualРA person is able to speak more than two languages.РGrammarРGrammarРone ?two ?threeРunique?bicycle?triangleРuni-?bi-?tri-РSecurityРMany people worry about the security of their credit card details. (Para. 4)Рn. Protection from dangerРE.g. During APEC, strict security measures are in force in the capital.Р“ Nothing can bring a real sense of security into home except true love.”? Oprah Winfrey