paid an increasing attention to the household housing landРtransfer. The existing progresses are found in the political discussion on households’right protection, analysis ofРhousehold behavior and psychological response, household need and e allocation, and evaluation of policyРimplementation based on some basic statistical analyses from the views of economic geography and behavioralРeconomics and sociology. It is mended that the future researchers should pay more attention to the require-Рments including surviving, economic, social and spiritual needs, and the social and geographical environment inРrural housing land transfer studies.РKey words: rural housing land transfer; farm household level; research progress; reviewР本文引用格式:Р周婧, 杨庆媛. 农户层面农村宅基地流转研究进展与述评. 地理科学进展, 2012, 31(2): 139-148.