
英文版劳动合同FESCO Professional Employment contract

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Artide Flifteen. Durlng the execution of thls contract, when contradictions arise between the clauses oi this contract and newy promulgated aws and regulatlons of the State, or between the said clauses and stipulatlons of Beijlng Munic pal ty, a I the new y promu gated laws, regu at ons, and stipulations sha I prevai . ArticleSifir€4 For the servlce iee, the persons to be empoyed, the employment duralion, the probation period of the staff, the working-hour system to be appLied and so on whlch have been touched upon in this contract, the content of the Conftrmattan Letter on the Employment of StaffVesented by Party B to Party A sha I be taken as final. The said Letter of Confirmaton is an appendix of this contract, and is equa ly b nding as th s contract. 1


