
2015春北师大版英语七下Unit 5《Lesson 14 My First Day》word第2课时教学设计

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的语用功能。РSpeakingРStep 4Рl T asks Ss to role-play an interview in pairs. One is the radio station host of school and the other is the monitor of Class 1. Example: Do you still remember your first day at your junior high school? How did you feel? What did you wear? What did you bring with you? Did you know anyone? … l Ss share their interviews in class.Р创设真实情境,使学生运用所学的一般过去时来描述自己过去的行为方式及感受。学生在语境中体验一般过去时的语用功能。РPW CW 10’РPronunciationРStepРl T presents tongue twisters to the whole class to get Ss to focus on the /h/and/j/sound and interest Ss. l Ss listen and write the words in the correct group. (Ex.9) l Ss listen again and read aloud with the recording. (Ex.10)Р熟悉/h/和/j/的发音。РCW IW 7’РHomework 1’Р1. Write down the interview you made in your exercise book. 2. Do Exs.1,3,4 on p95 in the workbook.


