

上传者:科技星球 |  格式:doc  |  页数:5 |  大小:31KB

le the correct responses. Then, check their answers.РStep 4 Practice in 1cРSs work in pairs to talk about what the people in 1a doing at the time of the rainstorm. РAsk four pairs to role play the conversations.РStep5. Group workРGet the students to work in groups to talk about the pictures and make up conversations.Р Invite group leader pairs to act it out.РStep6. ReportР Divide Ss into groups and choose a reporter for each group.РThe reporter interviews the group members with “what were you doing when the rainstorm came? ” and make a report.РStep7. SummaryРGet students to tell us what they have got in the class.РStep8. HomeworkР1.Remember the words and phrases in this lesson.Р2.Learn to tell past events using the past progressive tense.РThat’s all about my class. Thank you for listening.


