
五年级英语下册 unit5 what’s the weather like today教案 陕旅版

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: What can you see in the sky at night?РS1: I can see stars.(教师注意确认这里要使用复数stars)РT: How many stars can you see?РSI: I can see many many stars.РT: What else can you see?РS2: I can see the moon.(注意确认单词moon前面要加定冠词the )РT: Yes. You can see the moon in the sky. And there are millions of stars, too. But can you see any clouds in the sky at night?РS3: ...РT: Did you look at the sky yesterday evening?(引导学生作答)РT&Ss: Yes. I saw ... / No.Р(2)新课导入Part A Warming-up: Discuss and fill with ...Р教师承接上一环节,继续询问:РT: Did you watch the weather report last night? Please show me your records.Р了解上一课时作业的完成情况,和学生对话:РT: The weather report says today is a sunny day here. It’s fine. You should take your glasses with you ... And what’s the weather like in these five cities today? Please fill in the form with the marks..


