
2010年常州市初中英语学科基本功比赛试卷 1下载

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show how a piece of language is constructed and how it is used. Students are given a chance to practise the language in a controlled way (during the Study phase) and then the chance to Activate the ‘new’ language in an enjoyable way.Р However, if we teach all our lessons like this, we may not be giving our students’ own learning styles a fair chance. Such a procedure may work at lower levels for straightforward language, but it might not be so appropriate for more advanced learners with plex language.Р Thus, while there is nothing wrong with going in a straight line — for the right students at the right level learning the right language, it is not always appropriate. Instead, there are other possibilities for the sequence of the ESA elements. Here, for example, is a ‘Boomerang’ procedure.


