
人教版pep小学英语三起点四年级下册《Unit 3 Weather》教学设计

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2组)РConsolidationРplay a gameРT:If you want to travel around the world with me ,you should finish some tasks. I give some pictures, you should finish them with your group mates. Who want to show us? (每张用A4纸打印两个城市的天气状况,学生问答) РT: You plete the tasks, congratulations. You are hard-working and clever.РI have another task. Fill in the blanks. Can you finish it?РI need two students to read this dialogue.who want to try? You are very smart.РThe last task, after that, we can travel around the world. Come on.Р This is an essay, first you should read it carefully, after reading ,you should finish some exercises.Р4.today, you do a good job, now it’s sunny and warm. let’s travel around the world together. Are you ready? Let’s go. Don’t forget to tell your parents the weather where we go. Ok? See you !


