
泛读教程二 Unit Generation

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泪。? accustomed adj [pred 作表语] ?adj. be accustomed to sth =be used to sth: being in the habit of 习惯於某事物?e.g. He gradually became accustomed to drinking a bit of wine in the lonely night with a melancholy mood. ? 他慢慢习惯了在孤独的夜晚喝一杯孤独的酒。РР6. Well-meaning ( L57):?adj. wanting to have a good effect, but not always achieving one ??e.g. 我知道他是好意的,但更希望他让我们自己待一会儿。? I know he’s well-meaning, but I wish he’d leave us alone.РРIn-reading?The Law vs. the PianoРРРIn-reading The Law vs. The PianoР1st Reading: Prediction?skimming and scanning?Scan the passage and find out time words for seven main stages the father and daughter have experienced.?When Susie was in Kindergarten… ?By the time Susie could read and write…?Through her high school years…?For a while…?One day…?Twenty-two years old…?Years later…


