
泛读教程 第三册 cloze 答案 原文

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programs contain violence.РDr. Albert Bandura of Standford University reaches/draws two conclusions about violence on TV: (1) that it tends to reduce the child’s inhibitions against acting in a violent, aggressive manner, and (2) that children will Рimitate what they see. Dr. Bandura points out that a child won’t necessarily run out and attack the first person he sees after watching violence on the screen, but that, if provoked later on, he may very well put what he has learned into practice.РOne of the lessons of television is that, violence works. If you have a problem with someone, the school of TV says to slap him in the face, stab him in the back. Because most of the program has shown how well violence has paid off, punishment at the end tends not to have much of an inhibitory effect.


