out the effectiveness of the paper examinations??2. What do you think are the effective ways to control cheating in examinations?2016-9-188Word Pretest1.interpreted: understood2.scholastic: academic3.aptitude: natural ability4.distribution: division5.relevant: practical6.verbal: using words7.distorting: giving a false account of 8.illegible: unreadable 2016-9-189Study of Text ISkimming and ScanningQ1. What are the usual forms of objective examinations?Q2. What are the familiar types of standard exams?Q3. What are the teachers supposed to evaluate in the essay-type examinations?2016-9-1810Study of Text IReading Skill: OutliningTitle: Main Idea:I. Objective Examinations A. Objective in two ways 1. 2. B. C. Standard Exams 1. 2. 3. 4.