sophy that shortens the time line between the customer order and the shipment by eliminating waste (non-value-adding activities).”?一种在客户订单和出货过程中消除浪费(无附加值活动)以缩短时间的生产哲学。Р9РKEY CONCEPTS 关键概念РWaste Reduction 减少浪费?Lead Time Reduction ?减少订货至交货的时间?Variation Reduction减少变差?Product Flow 产品流程?Pull of the Customer 拉动客户?Continuous Improvement持续改进Р10РValue is added any time we physically change our product towards what the customer is buying.? 价值被附加于我们从本身改变产品上转向客户想购买产品任何时机上。?If we are not adding value, we are adding cost or waste.?如果我们没有增加价值,我们就会增加成本或浪费。?Lean Manufacturing drives the systematic elimination of waste.?精益生产推动系统化的排除浪费。РValue-Added Time : Minutes增值时间:分钟?Time in Plant : Weeks 在工厂的时间:周РORDER秩序РCASH现金РKEY QUESTION – Are my customers willing to pay for this ?????关键问题-我的客户是否愿意为此付出?РVALUE ADDED 增值