stemРThe Bode plot of the function posed of two plots, one with the magnitude of the in decibels (dB) versus or , and the other with the phase of in degrees as a function of ? or .Р5РWhat advantages does the bode plot have?Р6РDefinition of the Magnitude and Angle PlotРConsider a general functionРThe magnitude of G in dB is obtained by multiplying the logarithm to?the base 10 of by 20Р7РDefinition of the Magnitude and Phase PlotРThe phase of G isРIn general, can contain just five simple kinds of factors:Р1. Constant factor: KР2. Poles or zeros at the origin of order p:Р3. Poles or zeros at of order q:Р4. Complex poles and zeros of order r:Р5. Pure time delay:Р8РBode Plot of KР0.1Р1Р10Р100Р1000Р0.1Р1Р10Р100Р1000Р9РBode Plot of Integration BlockР0.1Р1Р10Р0.1Р1Р10Р10РBode Plot of Inertia Block